- DAUGHTER OF THE BRIGHT MOON 1 - A black ink and gray pencil drawing on an 11 x 14 size vellum paper.
The drawings I did for "Daughter of the Bright Moon" were going to appear in a paperback, and paperbacks are not really suited for reproducing artwork. So I decided to use only one shade of gray instead of using several delicate intermediate shades of gray.
When the pb was published I saw that the drawings came out fairly well, but they were not centered properly on the pages, they were all shifted to the right of center so that the right side of the drawings were cut off. And that bothered me because someone in the layout department did not do a proper job of positioning the illustrations on the pages.
In my opinion, the standard size paperback book is not suited for interior illustrations, the pages are too small to do justice to the artwork at that small size, the viewer cannot see enough of the artwork to appreciate it's quality, if it has any. And secondly, the poor pulp quality of the paper used by some publishers is not suitable for reproducing artwork, much of which is lost in the soft, rough texture of the paper.

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